
Great Day .

Because I had fun today ..

I had an awesome day out with my sisters! Shop for books and other stuffs. Feels so great to spend time with family <3 we had dinner at some pizza restaurant which has so many hot waiters. Hahahaha. The ice lemon tea made us drunk. I still wonder whether they accidentally mixed the beer with the tea or something? Hahahaha (:
Listen to many songs in the car and random jokes the whole day. 
Overall, today was great. If only everyday was as joyful as today !!

                                                        <2 sloth


Empty .

Because I feel numb .

I feel empty today . I am here but I am not .

<2 sloth


Questions With No Answers .

Because I want to confess .

Good Morning Love (:

I am so confused. What am i supposed to do? How am I going to tell you I miss you without making it sound weird? Why is it so hard for friends to tell each other how they feel? I am so frustrated and confused. I worry. I am concern. I MISS YOU! But what can i do about it? How far is too far? If only everyone could be read like an open book? I wish you could read this but I know it is just impossible. If only you could read ME like an open book. WHAT IFS! Oh how i hate you! Erghh.

 <2 sloth

Mixed Emotions .

Because im confused .

First, I felt sad for the changes that has been going on. Then I started missing a lot of people. Like A LOT OF PEOPLE (but sorry, not the uncoordinated jackass). When I pass a specific place that we used to spent time together, I felt empty, like I was missing a part of me. Sometimes I wish I could just go with whatever makes everyone happy and just ignore how i feel but doing that would force me to betray myself, which I hope i will never do. Then someone made me happy and reminded me that no matter what 'i'll be there' :')

Friends, they come and go. They fight and make up. Friends are like lovers. WITHOUT THE CRAPPY LOVE SHIT ISH ERR. Hahahahaha (:

                                 <2 sloth


My First Post (:

This is my first post. I guess i am doing this so that i could release my thoughts and ideas somewhere only I know where to find it cause I know nobody is going to read what i write. Muahahahaha. So i can write whatever I like to write about. Its called deepest accuracy because it has the most accurate description of how i feel and how my day was like. Deepest accuracy on me i guess (:

P.S.To those who do read this, im terribly sorry for wasting your time. Hahahaha.

<2 sloth