
It's Been Awhile.

because I haven't been blogging as often as I'd like too.

A lot has been going on since the last time I wrote on this blog. It has been a roller coaster ride but a hell of a good one. I am currently busy with my assignments and projects that are due very soon. There is going to be a water balloon carnival soon where by all my friends and anyone who are interested will be welcome to play with water balloon with a price that is, all for charity though :) Recently, there is this guy who keeps hitting on me. I have no idea why he does but I am really confused :| Not long ago, he made me pissed because I found out that he has a girlfriend. How dare he hit on me when he has a girlfriend! I dont give a damn if the relationship is not working or you are not happy. DO NOT DRAG ME INTO YOUR RELATIONSHIPS PROBLEM !! Well, now I am still confuse cause he is obviously not giving up even though I'm not talking to him. Let me teel you about the other day. I love leaving notes for people in my lecture hall just for fun and he read it after I left. I wrote there that "Seasons may come and go, but I will never change" and he text me about it after class. I was shocked but it made me feel butterflies in my stomach. Which SUCKS! I am so going to just ignore this for now. Lets see what he does next :) and my friends and I were competing in our college drama competition and we got to the finals ! Alhamdulillah :') All those nights, not sleeping just to get everything done was worth it. We got to know each other even more thanks to this. I am so grateful for everything. I'll come back to blog about everything with more accuracy soon.

<2 sloth